Do you wish to contest a Will?

Our experienced Wills and Estates lawyers can help you understand the process and determine which claim is best for you. If you have been left out of the Will of a loved one or you believe that the provision for you in the Will is inadequate, or question the validity of a Will, our lawyers can help you make an Application to the Supreme Court of New South Wales to seek entitlement of the Estate.

What are Family Provision Claims?

A Family Provision Claim requires the applicant to be an ‘eligible person’ and have been left out of the Will. Section 57 of the Succession Act defines an eligible person for the purposes of making a Family Provision Claim. An eligible person can bring a Family Provision Claim to the Supreme Court of New South Wales if they have been left out of a Will or inadequately provided for in a Will. This claim is typically brought by spouses, children, or de facto partners of the deceased. If you are the spouse, child or de facto partner of someone who passed away with a Will and you wish to seek a larger entitlement to the Estate of the deceased or you have been left out of the Will entirely, our experienced lawyers can discuss your options with you and assist you with making a family provision application to the Supreme Court of New South Wales.

Making a Family Provision Claim can be a complex, lengthy, and time-consuming process. It is important to seek legal advice from one of our experienced lawyers to ensure that you are eligible to make such a claim, discuss your options, ensure the court process is strictly adhered to, and filing the necessary court documentation. Our dedicated team of lawyers at Tajik Lawyers are skilled and experienced in Estate Law. We are here to provide you with honest and comprehensive legal advice which best suits your matter.