Making a Will is an important step in ensuring that when you pass away, your estate will be distributed the way you planned. Drafting an effective and comprehensive Will is a complex process. Our Wills and Estates lawyers at Tajik Lawyers are skilled and trusted to assist you in your estate planning process and draft your Will to protect your Estate. In preparing your Will, you can ensure that your assets will be distributed according to your wishes when you pass, providing you with peace of mind and ensuring reduced family conflict in the future.

In your Will, you are able to:

To be considered a valid will, the will must be:

At Tajik Lawyers, our Wills and Estates lawyers are here to guide you through the process by first obtaining your instructions and wishes, discussing the most suitable terms in your case, providing advice about your Will, drafting your Will, and safely storing your original Will in our safe custody for no additional charge should you wish to store it with us.

We also provide out of hours appointments should you need to consult a solicitor urgently. We can visit you at hospital, at home or nursing homes should you be unable to attend our offices.

Contact us to enquire about preparing or updating your Will today.